StatSpy - Functionalities

Bot Functionalities

📊 Basic Statistics Commands

!valorant [nickname#tag] → Shows rank, K/D, matches played, etc. !fortnite [nickname] → Shows kills, wins, matches played. !lol [nickname#tag] → SoloQ, Flex, and ARAM statistics. !csgo [SteamID] → Shows rank, headshot %, hours played. !rl [Epic ID] → Rocket League stats: Wins, Goals, Assists, etc.

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Bot Statistics Example

🔥Mini Games and Fun

!randompick valorant -> Choose a random Valorant agent. !randompick lol -> Choose a random LoL champion. !randompick valorant team -> The bot creates a balanced team with Duelists, Sentinels, Initiators, and Controllers. !spin -> Spin a roulette and get a fun challenge. !coinflip -> Flip a coin (heads/tails).

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Random pick example Spin example

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